Can You Send Amazon Gift Cards Anonymously?

When buying and gifting Amazon gift cards, sometimes you may want to give a gift card to a friend or loved one anonymously. But does Amazon actually let you do this? Keep reading to find out!

Can You Send Amazon Gift Cards Anonymously?

You can send Amazon gift cards anonymously in two different ways. You can buy a physical Amazon gift store and mail the card anonymously yourself. When buying a gift card on Amazon, you can ask Amazon not to include a gift receipt with your name.

Below, we explain more about what you can and cannot do when sending a gift card anonymously!

How to Send an Amazon Gift Card Anonymously

As we mentioned briefly above, there are two main ways to send Amazon gift cards anonymously. The first way — and often the easiest — is to buy an Amazon gift card at a store (such as Walmart or Target).

Then, with your physical Amazon gift card already paid for, you can mail this card to whoever you’d like to send it to anonymously by not including a return address.

You can also buy a gift card online, with physical and e-gift options, through Amazon. You can request Amazon not to include a gift receipt with the physical gift card, if necessary.

Often, when you purchase physical gift cards on Amazon, they give you the option to say who it is from. Instead of putting your name, you can put something like “From a Friend”.

The same goes when purchasing e-gift cards from Amazon!

Is Sending an Amazon Gift Card Anonymous by Default?

This depends on what type of Amazon gift card you buy and what options you chose when checking out. As we’ve mentioned above, you can choose to send gifts to anyone. However, you can also tell Amazon to not include gift receipts to keep your identity private.

Therefore, it’s not necessarily the default. You’ll have to do a few changes to ensure that, no matter what, your information will be kept private.

Does My Address Show if I Send an Amazon Gift Card to a Friend?

As we’ve mentioned above, let Amazon know that the gift card you are sending to a friend is a gift — but also ask Amazon not to include a gift receipt with your name or billing information. Therefore, your address will not show.

If you just send an Amazon gift card to a friend without doing this, then your address may end up appearing on a slip of paper when they receive the gift card.

Can You Call Amazon to Get Information About Who Sent You a Gift Card?

While you can always get in contact with Amazon Support about any issues that you have, Amazon Support cannot solve every problem for you. For example, they will not tell you who sent you a gift card.

This is because they value all of their customers’ privacy, just as they value yours. So, while it may be frustrating as you try to find out who may have sent you this Amazon gift card, Support will not help you at all in this regard.

Amazon will always protect the security and privacy of all of its customers!

Is It a Good Idea to Send an Amazon Gift Card Anonymously?

Many people search for ways to send Amazon gift cards anonymously. As we’ve mentioned above, this can be done as long as extra special attention is given during the checkout process!

You can either send Amazon gift cards with your name attached or not. What you decide to do is completely up to you! Some people just like to give their friends or loved ones gifts without them knowing, as they don’t want anyone to have to pay them back.

There’s nothing wrong with giving Amazon gift cards anonymously — and there’s nothing wrong with not giving Amazon gifts anonymously! Just do what you feel comfortable with!


You can try to send Amazon gift cards anonymously by buying an Amazon gift card at a store. Then, mail this card yourself without including a return address. You can also purchase gift cards online and then ask Amazon not to include a gift receipt with your name.