Can People See Your Address on Amazon Wishlist?

If you have an Amazon Wishlist, you might be looking for a way to ensure that you can remain anonymous and your address can remain private.

Below, we tell you everything you need to know about what people can and cannot see when they buy you something off of your Amazon Wishlist!

Can People See Your Address on Amazon Wishlist?

People who buy you a gift from your Amazon Wishlist cannot see your address. Buyers will only see your name and the state and city that you live in. They will not see your actual street address. However, some third-party sellers could send this information to buyers upon ordering.

There’s a lot you should know about this situation — and we explain everything below!

How to Hide Your Address on Amazon Wishlist

Obviously, many people seek to hide their address on their Amazon Wishlist. This is common and essential to keeping your address safe! Amazon will always hide your address from buyers, so you actually don’t need to do anything to keep your address safe.

However, you should know that some third-party sellers could potentially share your address with buyers. Amazon states that they will send your information (such as your shipping information or where you will receive your package) to a third-party seller if you add an item that they sell on your Wishlist.

This seller could then send a confirmation email to the buyer — and could put your shipping information there in the email as confirmation. Amazon knows that many people don’t want this to happen, so they give you an opportunity to opt out of buying from sellers on your Wishlist.

You can do this by:

  • Going to “Manage List”
  • Disabling the feature marked “third-party delivery agreement”

Then, when buyers try to buy an item that may be sold by a seller on your Wishlist, they will have to put in the shipping information. They won’t see yours.

Amazon Wish List Privacy Policy

Amazon always strives to respect the security, privacy, and safety of its customers. Therefore, they will not allow buyers to see where gifts are going when they are bought off of an Amazon Wishlist. 

The address on your Amazon Wishlist will always be your default shipping address — though only you will see this. If you’re looking to change your Wishlist address, you can easily do this. Amazon states that your Wishlist gifts can go to any address you want!

Amazon Wishlists are a great way for people to buy you gifts or items that you need, all while keeping your address safe and private. 

If Someone Buys Something From Amazon Wishlist, Do They See Your Address?

No, buyers will not see your address when they buy something from your Amazon Wishlist. They will, however, see your name, as well as the city and the state of your shipping address. They will not see your street address.

As we mentioned above, third-party sellers may send this information unknowingly to a Wishlist buyer in a confirmation email. Third-party sellers could, therefore, share your full name, full address, phone number, and email.

You can keep this from happening by disabling the “third-party delivery agreement” option in your Wishlist settings.

Other than this one instance, your information will always remain as private as possible.

How to Add Your Address to Amazon Wishlist

Looking to change your shipping address on your Amazon Wishlist? Luckily, it’s quite easy to do! You can add or change your address to your Amazon Wishlist by:

  1. Go to Your Account
  2. Click Your Lists
  3. Select Manage List
  4. Find the Shipping Address section
  5. Select Create New
  6. Add your new shipping address and press Save Changes
  7. Select the Ship to This Address button

And that’s all you have to do! You can choose any address for your Amazon Wishlist, even if it isn’t your default shipping address for your regular orders!

Can I See Who Purchased From My Amazon Wishlist?

Yes, you can often see who purchased from your Amazon Wishlist, especially if you have notifications on your Wishlist that notify you whenever someone buys something from your list.

If you’re looking to be surprised, you can always Set Up Your Surprise Spoiler settings. This will keep you from knowing who bought anything — as well as if anyone bought you something. All items will appear to you as if nobody has bought them.

Does Amazon Wishlist Show Your Name?

Yes, your Amazon Wishlist will show your name. When a buyer gifts an item to you on your Wishlist, they will see your name and the city and state where the item is being shipped to. They will not see your full address or your street address.

Can Someone Cancel an Amazon Wishlist Order?

You might be able to cancel an Amazon Wishlist order — but only about 30 minutes after you have placed the order. Once the item begins the shipping process, it will be impossible to accurately cancel your order.

Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you really make sure you think about whether or not you want to buy something from a Wishlist. Try not to find yourself in a position where you may need to cancel your order, as this could end up being impossible to do.

Can You Get Scammed on Amazon Wishlist?

Many people adore using their Amazon Wishlists to plan for their birthdays, weddings, and other major life events. However, there are a few things you should always be aware of when using an Amazon Wishlist.

As we mentioned above, Amazon’s third-party sellers will get your shipping information when a buyer buys something off of your Wishlist. While Amazon themselves will never share your address with your buyer, third-party sellers may include this information with the buyer.

In a confirmation email, third-party sellers have been known to include personal information such as your phone number, email address, street address, and full name. Obviously, this isn’t great. But it doesn’t appear as if third-party sellers will stop doing something like this.

Therefore, Amazon has made it easy to disable this feature on your Wishlist. All you need to do is disable the “third-party delivery agreement” option in your Wishlist settings! This is the easiest way to ensure that you don’t get scammed when using an Amazon Wishlist!


When buyers buy something from your Amazon Wishlist, they cannot see your address. They will be able to see your name and the state and city that they live in. However, they will never be able to see your full address or your street address.