3 Alternatives for Amazon Lockers

We’ve already talked about how to use Amazon Lockers for non-Amazon packages. Now, let’s discuss the different alternatives you have if you don’t want to use Amazon Lockers. Keep reading below to find out more!

What Are the Best Amazon Locker Alternatives?

The best alternatives to using Amazon Lockers include: shipping to different mail carrier locations, using shipping stores, and using any local shipping or package holding facilities for your Amazon packages. Depending on where you live, you may have more options to choose from.

Below, we explain everything you need to know about finding the best Amazon Locker alternative.

1. Mail Carrier Package Holding Services

The best alternative to using Amazon Lockers is using the package holding services that many common mail carriers offer. UPS is a very common example of a mail carrier that offers to hold packages for their customers.

However, a fee is often involved, whereas you don’t have to pay anything extra when you use Amazon Lockers.

UPS stores around the country offer mailbox services, which allow customers to rent out mailboxes to receive mail and packages. So, if you are a customer at a UPS store, then you can receive packages there rather than at your home.

The store will hold these packages for you. Therefore, it’s not any type of Locker like Amazon provides. To get the package, you’ll have to go to the front desk — and this might take time if there is any sort of a line.

Package holding services are offered by most major mail carriers in the country. However, many stores are run independently and have different guidelines when it comes to accepting packages. Get in contact with your local stores to learn everything you need to know.

Plus, it’s worth remembering that it’s likely to cost. Fees for holding packages are common in these situations.

2. Shipping Stores

Sometimes, you may have a few local shipping stores that differ from mail carrier locations. These stores may also offer some type of package holding services. It’s always worth checking with them to see what they offer!

If they do offer to accept packages, you’ll again likely have to become a customer of the store. They, unfortunately, will not do this for free — so again, we’ve got a big difference from what using Amazon Lockers offers.

Much like with our first alternative above, you’ll also likely have to talk with workers to get your package. In comparison, Amazon Lockers allow you to pick up and get your package without having to talk with any worker.

3. Local or Privately Owned Package Holding Facilities

Amazon Lockers have become quite big since they were introduced. People greatly enjoy having a safe place to pick up their packages, other than their front door.

As so many people work during the day, being able to always know that your package is at a secure and locked location has been a game-changer for those who always shop online.

Because Amazon Lockers have become very popular and useful, other companies have started to also try to fill this void. Citibox and Go Locker are two great examples.

Much like Amazon Lockers, these companies provide lockers that are self-serve and incredibly easy to use. You’ll get a notification of when your package is delivered — and you will be the only one to have access to it!

The only problem? These companies are located in all areas around the country. Many are still starting out. However, you may have some local options available to you!

Therefore, searching your area and seeing if there are any package holding facilities like Citibox or Go Locker in your area is a must!

Does FedEx Have Lockers Like Amazon?

While FedEx does not have self-serve lockers as Amazon does, the mail carrier does offer to hold packages at their stores for you, but only if they were going to be delivered by FedEx, to begin with.

You cannot use a FedEx store as a shipping address for your packages, as they do not offer mailbox rentals such as UPS stores.

Does eBay Have Lockers Like Amazon?

eBay offers a “click and collect” service which allows customers to pick up items from retailers and stores, rather than have their purchases delivered to their homes. In this way, eBay’s “click and collect” is similar to Amazon Lockers.

But that’s where the similarities stop. Amazon Lockers are actual lockers that customers can use to pick up their packages, using a self-serve kiosk to do everything themselves in an easy and quick way.

eBay’s new service, meanwhile, doesn’t offer lockers or any type of self-serve service. Instead, they just offer customers a chance to pick up their packages at a pickup point at a specific store. We, though, always tend to recommend Amazon lockers since there are signs that Amazon lockers ship faster than other shipping methods.


There are three great alternatives to Amazon Lockers: using holding services at mail carrier locations (such as at the UPS Store), using local shipping stores that offer holding services, and seeing if companies like Citibox or Go Locker have any locker or storage facilities in your area.