What Does “This Order Contains a Gift” Mean on Amazon

Thinking of ordering a gift on Amazon. What does checking the “This Order Contains a Gift” actually entail? Below, we explain everything you can expect when you click this option when checking out from Amazon!

What Does “This Order Contains a Gift” Mean on Amazon?

When you click the “This Order Contains a Gift” upon checking out on Amazon, you are telling Amazon that one of the items will be a gift to someone else. This allows you to hide gift prices, send a message to the recipient, and even gift wrap the item.

Keep reading to learn even more about what you can expect when you click the “This Order Contains a Gift” on Amazon!

What Happens When You Choose “This Order Contains a Gift” on Amazon?

When you click the “This Order Contains a Gift” on Amazon, you can expect a few different things — depending on what you want. According to Amazon, this option allows you to hide the price of the item from the recipient.

This option also allows you to add a message to the recipient. You can also even choose the have this item gift wrapped!

Basically, this option allows things to be a lot easier if you’re looking to send a gift directly to someone rather than wrapping the gift yourself. You can easily tailor a message and get the item wrapped, all by clicking this option!

Is It Free to Mark an Item as a Gift on Amazon?

Yes, it is free to mark an item as a gift on Amazon! However, certain options after this may cost a bit more. For example, if you’d like your item to be gift-wrapped, there may be an extra charge. However, Amazon will let you know before you order if this is the case!

Just sending a gift and marking the item as a gift, however, is completely free. If you are not a Prime member, you may have to pay for shipping costs, but this is normal!

Will Amazon Always Ask if “This Order Contains a Gift” at Checkout?

Yes, Amazon always allows you to click the “This Order Contains a Gift” upon checkout! Some sellers may not allow certain aspects of the gift ordering process that Amazon does. For example, they may not provide gift wrapping.

Of course, you’ll always know this upon checking out — and well before you actually confirm your order. Amazon will always allow you to check this gift option upon checkout, though. Sellers will always differ from one to the other on what they actually offer.

Can You Choose “This Order Contains a Gift” After Checkout?

If you have completely ordered your gift, there is no way to say that the item is a gift, mainly because the process of packaging and shipping the order is always underway. You could always try to get in contact with Amazon Support.

It could even be easier to cancel the order immediately, before you are charged and before the item ships, and then try again. As it is hard to choose this option after checkout and purchase, it is highly recommended that you do this before while you are in the process of checking out.

What Does the Amazon Gift Message Look Like?

The Amazon gift message will differ depending on what you have chosen to send (if anything). Often, the message will say “A gift for you”. It will also show a gift receipt and then say “Send a Thank You Note”.

Of course, depending on what you chose or allowed on the gift message will always change what actually shows up on the Amazon gift message!

Do Amazon Orders Ever Come With a Free Gift Inside the Order?

Every now and then, you might receive an Amazon order with a free gift inside the order. Amazon allows sellers to do this — as long as they do not promote that, customers will get a free gift when they purchase the item!

Often, this only happens from third-party sellers. Sellers may also include coupons or discounts, too!


When you click the “This Order Contains a Gift” option on Amazon upon checking out, you are telling Amazon that you want to send one of the items as a gift. You can then write a message, hide the item’s price, and even have the item wrapped for the recipient!