Amazon Onsite Interview Success Rate

Amazon’s onsite interviews are known for being quite intense. There are several rounds of interviews that test your core technical skills and capabilities and the Loop, as it is often called, ends with a behavioral analysis.

If you want to apply for a job at Amazon, let’s find out the onsite interview success rate, so you know what you’re up against.

Amazon Onsite Interview Success Rate

Amazon’s hiring success rate is incredibly low, with only a 2%-3% chance of success; however, after the onsite interview round, it rises to between 20%-40%. The low success rate is because Amazon receives hundreds of applications for every position and the hiring team is extremely meticulous.

In this article, we are going to discuss the percentages of applicants who even get through to the Loop round, as well as how the interview actually works and how to increase your chances of getting the job!

What Percentage of Applicants Get an Interview at Amazon?

It’s important to understand that while there are over 1 million employees at Amazon, there are over 1 million applicants every year. Even though it may seem like there are a lot of job opportunities within the world’s largest retailer, the competition for getting a position is extremely tough.

Only 30% of applicants receive a phone screening, and of those, only 30%-50% are asked to come onsite for an interview.

Amazon Phone Interview Success Rate (First interview)

Once you have submitted an application to Amazon, the first step in the process for selection is the phone interview, also known as the phone screen.

Unfortunately, getting a phone interview is not a solid indication that you will land the position you are applying for, as the Amazon phone interview success rate is only between 30%-50%.

This statistic only relates to those who will be asked to come in for the onsite interview after the phone screening, not to those who will actually get the job.

Amazon Loop Interview Success Rate (Onsite Interview)

If you do make it through the phone round to the onsite interview, you should be prepared, as the Loop interview can be extremely tedious.

The Loop interview success rate is technically 20%-40%. That means that of the applicants who came onsite for an interview, about one-third of them will receive an offer.

Although this number seems quite high, remember that there are several steps leading to the Loop interview, and the actual success rate from resume review to offer is only between 2%-3%.

How Does the Interview Panel Decide on a Candidate at Amazon?

If you are one of the lucky applicants who make it to an onsite interview, you will then have to go through five to six rounds of evaluations with members of the interview panel.

The interview panel always consists of a Hiring Manager and an interviewer known as the Bar Raiser. It is the Bar Raiser’s job to find out if the applicant is better than at least 50% of Amazonians currently employed in the same job category and level.

Once the interviews are complete, the panelists meet and discuss the pros and cons of the applicant. Both the Hiring Manager and the Bar Raiser need to approve an application, whereas the Bar Raiser alone can deny one.

How to Increase Your Chances of Passing Amazon’s Onsite Interview

In order to increase your chances of passing Amazon’s onsite interview, you need to be prepared. Different jobs have various types of interviews; for example, for a non-technical job, most of the discussions will be behavior-based.

However, no matter what position you are applying for, there are a few ways to statistically increase your chances of getting hired:

  1. Focus on the important specifics.
  2. Build and use your problem-solving skills.
  3. Use the STAR method to answer behavioral questions.
  4. Practice mock interviews in preparation with people who can give you the right feedback.
  5. Highlight past projects and experience with specific examples.

All in all, acing the Loop interview at Amazon is a combination of preparedness, confidence, and attention to detail.

Is Amazon’s Interview Success Rates Increasing?

While you may think that the 2% hiring rate at Amazon is shockingly low, it’s actually quite high compared to the other major tech companies. Google has a hiring rate of only 1%, and Microsoft’s is an incredible 0.35%.

These statistics could change over the next few years because, over the past two years, the demand for developers has doubled. Due to the pandemic, online business is booming, and almost every company needs to increase its software and online offerings.

However, the flip side to this coin is that more and more people are applying for online positions, so while there are technically more jobs, there is also more competition.


When applying to Amazon, from resume review to offer, the hiring success rate is only between 2% and 3%; however, if you make it to the onsite Loop interview round, your chances of getting hired go up to 20%-40%.