What Is the Best Time to Shop at Walmart in [year]?

There’s nothing worse than going to Walmart during the busiest hours of the day.

But what exactly is the best time to shop at Walmart?

In this article, we’ll find out.

What Is the Best Time to Shop at Walmart?

The best time to shop at Walmart is early morning, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The reason why it’s best to shop at Walmart in the morning is that the shelves will be stocked from the night before, and the store won’t be busy.


  • The best time to shop at Walmart is between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
  • Early mornings are the best time to shop at Walmart as the shelves will be stocked, and fewer shoppers will be around.
  • The worst time to shop at Walmart is from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

If you want to learn the best and worst times to shop at Walmart, keep reading!

We will even discuss the best days to shop and how to find out if your local Walmart is busy or not at any time.

What Is the Best Day to Shop at Walmart?

In addition to the best times of the day, there are also certain days that are ideal for shopping at Walmart.

The first thing to note is that weekdays are always going to be less busy than weekends at Walmart.

But there is another important factor to consider as well when other people are shopping: When Walmart will restock the shelves.

You should know that Walmart does not have a distinct delivery schedule. The store receives new shipments every 3-5 days, but it’s almost impossible to figure out when new items will arrive.

That being said, Walmart employees restock the shelves every night.

So while the best time to shop at Walmart to get the items you need is in the morning, there aren’t necessarily certain days of the week that are better or worse in regards to finding the products you want.

How Busy Is Walmart Right Now?

Of course, every Walmart location is a little different when it comes to what times of day it will be busy.

Sometimes your local Walmart could be surprisingly busy at strange times. Whether due to school schedules, holidays, snow storms, or a variety of other reasons.

If you only enjoy shopping when Walmart is the least busy, you can check online at any time to find out how busy your local Walmart is at that moment.

One of the best ways to find out the best time and day to shop at Walmart is to use Google’s Popular Times service.

Here’s how to find out how busy your Walmart is right now:

  1. Search for “Walmart” on Google.
  2. The available Walmarts in your area will appear as a list.
  3. Click your store.
  4. Scroll down through the store’s information.
  5. You will see a section called Popular Times.

In this section, Google will tell you whether or not your Walmart is currently busy. As well as what times of the day it is usually more or less full of shoppers.

When Is the Worst Time to Go to Walmart?

Some times are considered the worst time to shop at Walmart. According to Walmart employees, the worst time to go to Walmart is from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

And there are several reasons why:

  • Walmart employees are finishing the day shift and are tired and less likely to be helpful.
  • The shelves have already been picked over and will not be restocked until 10:00 PM.
  • More people are shopping as they are getting out of work.


The best time to shop at Walmart is between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM on weekdays.

During these times, the Walmart shelves will be completely stocked from the night before. As well, employees will be starting their shifts and eager to help, and there will be fewer shoppers crowding the aisles.

You can find out if your local Walmart is busy right now or anytime by searching the store on Google.

Within the store information, you can find a section called Popular Times. Here you can find out when your Walmart is less likely to be busy.