Does Walmart Have a Restocking Fee in [year]?

Are you looking to return items on, yet you’re worried that you might be charged a restocking fee?

Many other customers experience this same worry.

In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about Walmart and whether they charge a restocking fee.

Does Walmart Have a Restocking Fee?

Walmart does not charge any restocking fees for online or in-store returns. They also no longer allow any third-party sellers they work with online charge restocking fees. As a result, customers will receive a full refund for returns where eligible.


  • Walmart does not charge any restocking fees online or in-store.
  • Third-party sellers on can also no longer charge restocking fees.
  • All returns to Walmart will result in a full refund.

Below, we break down what else you need to know about Walmart not allowing restocking fees any longer!

Are Walmart Returns Entirely Free?

Yes, Walmart returns are entirely free, regardless of whether you return your item in-store or through the mail (for online orders). Walmart no longer charges any restocking fee for any returns.

In some cases, Walmart used to charge restocking fees. Restocking fees could be previously charged to a customer’s refund upon acceptance of the return. This resulted in the customer not receiving the full refund of their order, only a percentage.

However, Walmart no longer has restocking fees for any returns — online or in-store!

When Did Walmart Remove Their Restocking Fee?

For quite a while, Walmart themselves had not charged restocking fees on returns. So, if you bought a Walmart product in-store or online and then returned it, you weren’t charged a restocking fee.

However, third-party sellers on could charge restocking fees.

This changed in 2019.

Walmart revealed that third-party sellers would no longer be able to charge any type of restocking fee.

Why Doesn’t Walmart Have a Restocking Fee?

Walmart always tries to help its customers. Many people do not like restocking fees, as it’s not very customer-friendly. After all, restocking fees sometimes make customers feel bad for returning the item!

So, Walmart obviously doesn’t want its customers to feel like this. They always want their customers happy — when they purchase items and when they return items. 

Sometimes, customers could choose to avoid stores when they learn that their returns could be charged a restocking fee. This could hurt Walmart.

As a result, Walmart ensured that even their third-party sellers online could not charge restocking fees.

Does Walmart Still Reserve the Right to Take a Restocking Fee?

Customers don’t like restocking fees. As a result, Walmart likely won’t change its current stance on restocking fees any time soon.

There are no signs that point to Walmart returning to allowing restocking fees to take place. If they do allow this, they’ll likely face major backlash from customers.

So, while Walmart always has the right to charge restocking fees in the future, they likely won’t. Or, at least, no signs point to them doing this anytime soon!


Walmart does not charge any restocking fees for any returns in-store or online. They also do not allow third-party sellers on to charge restocking fees.

As a result, customers will receive a full refund upon returning their items. Returns at Walmart are also always free!