If you are wondering what Walmart’s ban policy is for returns, including how many returns will get you banned from Walmart, this article is for you!
We’re going to find out the return limit at Walmart and what happens if you get banned from Walmart for too many returns.
Can Walmart Ban You for Too Many Returns?
Walmart will ban you if you make more than 10 returns in a month or 3 returns without a receipt within 45 days. You can be banned for too many returns, both in-store and online. Walmart will send you a warning before you pass the return limit.
- You can be banned from Walmart for too many returns.
- There is no exact number, but Walmart will track your in-store and online returns, and any more than 10 returns in a month may be a problem.
- You will be warned by Walmart before you pass the return limit.
If you want to become an expert on how many times you can return things to Walmart, as well as Walmart’s return limit without a receipt, and Walmart’s tracking and warning policies, keep reading!
Is There a Limit to How Many Times You Can Return Things to Walmart?
Walmart’s return policy does not clearly state a limit to how many times you can return things to Walmart. However, most users have reported receiving a warning after more than 10 returns in a month.
A way around this limit is by returning several items at once, which may only be classified as one return.
What is Walmart’s Return Limit Without a Receipt?

Walmart has a very specific return limit without a receipt: You can only return 3 non-receipt items within a 45-day period.
When you return the 3rd item within the set time frame, you will likely get a printout stating that you are approaching the limit and may not be able to make returns in the near future.
As items without a receipt need to be returned in a Walmart store, if you attempt to return the 4th item within 45 days, the associate at the customer service desk will simply not allow the return.
That means that you won’t be banned as you technically didn’t break the rule; however, you will be stuck with the item you wanted to return until the 45 days are up.
Does Walmart Warn You Before You Pass the Return Limit?
Before you receive a return violation, Walmart should, and almost always does, warn you that you’re approaching the limit.
If you are shopping online, you will get an email warning you that you are approaching the return limit, and if you are making non-receipt returns in-store, it will be printed on your receipt.
It’s important to note that people miss the warning email because they assume it’s spam and the printed warning as it gets crumpled up with the receipt.
Whenever you make a return at Walmart, make sure to fully read the receipt printed by the sales associate, and you should be checking your emails from Walmart if you have returned several items in a short period of time to ensure you read the warning before getting banned.
How Does Walmart Keep Track of Returns?
There are two ways that Walmart keeps track of returns: Online via the Walmart.com platform or in person via your government-issued ID.
Of course, the technology will track the returns from your account for online returns.
If you don’t have the receipt at in-person stores, you will need a government-issued ID to make returns, and Walmart will track the returns with your ID.
Luckily, if you do have the receipt, Walmart cannot and does not track your returns, so you can essentially return as many products as you want in stores with receipts.
Walmart can ban you for too many returns both online and in-store.
Walmart will always initiate a warning via email or a printed receipt, so if you have returned several items recently, it’s important to be on the lookout for the warning.
Walmart’s limit on returns is a little fuzzy, but the general consensus is that you cannot return more than 3 items without a receipt within 45 days, and you should be cautious not to return more than 10 items in a month.