Does Amazon Sell Vapes? [Full Guide]

Amazon is one of the top places to buy everyday items. Since vaping has become common, you might be wondering if you can buy your vapes or vape accessories through Amazon rather than using other online retailers or going to an actual vape shop.

Does Amazon Sell Vapes in 2022?

Amazon does not sell vapes like POD system vapes or MODS. They do sell vaping accessories though if you are looking to buy vape device skins, decorative vape stickers, or MOD covers. You can also buy supplies that allow you to make E-liquid.

Many people wonder if you can buy vapes on Amazon. Amazon does not sell vapes. This guide will explain why as well as some vape products you can buy on Amazon.

Why Can You Not Buy Vapes on Amazon?

Amazon, like other online retailers, does not sell vapes. Third-party sellers are also not allowed to sell vapes on Amazon and will be banned if they try.

Part of the reason why Amazon does not sell vapes is that they are not fully regulated by the FDA in the USA. Selling a product not regulated by the FDA opens up the company to potentially endangering people since the products do not have official rules regarding them.

Did Amazon Remove Vape Products?

Yes, Amazon has removed all vape products. They have also removed all tobacco products and products related to vaping including:

  • Cigarettes
  • Blunt wraps
  • Dipping tobacco
  • Smokeless tobacco
  • E-cigarettes
  • E-liquid juice
  • Electronic pipes
  • Electronic cigars
  • Vape cartridges both new and replacement
  • Smoke juice and refills
  • Nicotine inhalers and nasal sprays
  • Batteries

While you can buy vape accessories like stickers and device skins, you cannot buy anything directly related to vapes.

Can You Buy Nicotine Products on Amazon?

No, nicotine products are banned on Amazon. Even if you buy vaping hardware, it will not have any nicotine in it.

If you need to buy nicotine products, you will need to do it in person or through another online retailer. Amazon does not have age verification processes which is one of the reasons they do not sell nicotine products.

Amazon also has services in many different countries and states where the laws differ making it hard to patrol vape and nicotine products.

Does Amazon Sell Vape Batteries?

Amazon does not sell vape batteries, although some of the third-party resellers sell 18650 batteries that can be used for vaping. You will not find the batteries listed under vaping batteries though since Amazon is strict on what their third-party sellers are putting on their retail pages.

You will need to search for the specific type of battery that your vape pen uses and see if there are any sellers that have them listed. Always make sure they are safe and can be used in vapes.

Can You Buy Vapes on Amazon UK?

Vapes cannot be sold on any Amazon website no matter the country. All vape products and nicotine products have been banned so you cannot buy them from Amazon or any third-party sellers on Amazon.

There are online retailers that sell vapes though if you want to buy your vapes online and not in-store. Other online retailers have stricter age-verification requirements than Amazon.

Amazon also does not sell vapes and other similar products because it’s hard to regulate their sales of them from country to country as each place has its own laws.

Will Amazon Sell Vapes in the Future?

Amazon will most likely not sell vapes in the near future. Vapes are considered dangerous by many government agencies including the FDA. If the FDA begins to regulate vapes and the ingredients in them and how they’re made, Amazon might begin to sell them.

However, the FDA has made no moves to start regulating vapes and other tobacco products even though some vapes do not have any tobacco in them.

For now, people who want to vape will need to buy their supplies from other online retailers.


Amazon does not sell vapes or any products that are related to tobacco and nicotine since they are not regulated by the FDA. You can still buy vape accessories though including decorative items and MOD covers from third-party sellers through Amazon.