Can You Refer a Friend to a Job at Amazon? [Guide]

If you are a current Amazon employee, you may be curious to learn more about the Amazon job referral process if you think your friend would make a great Amazon employee. Keep reading below to learn more about this process — and how you could get a bonus by referring your friend!

Can You Refer a Friend to a Job at Amazon?

You can refer a friend for a job at Amazon. This could end up helping your friend get hired. If your friend is hired and is employed by Amazon for at least 60-90 days, you could then receive a $125 bonus on your next paycheck.

Keep reading to learn even more about Amazon’s job referral process!

Does Amazon Give a Refer a Friend Bonus?

Does Amazon Give a Refer a Friend Bonus

Yes, Amazon does give the employee who referred a new employee a bonus! For example, let’s say you referred your friend to a Tier 1 position. They were hired by Amazon and have now been working for the company for at least 60-90 days.

Once they have been employed for this timeframe, you can expect to receive a $125 bonus on your next paycheck! Amazon offers bonuses for all those who refer new employees to them — but only if they stay on for this 60-90 day timeframe!

Amazon employees differ on exactly when you’ll receive this bonus. Some say after 60 days; others say after 90 days. Therefore, expect an average of this timeframe.

How to Refer a Friend to a Job at Amazon

If you’d like to refer one of your friends for a job at Amazon, you can easily do this on the Amazon Jobs website. This Amazon portal is where you previously applied for your own job!

You can use your previous account to find an open job that you would like to refer your friend for. Find the necessary job. Currently, it appears that Amazon only offers bonuses for those who refer their friends to a Tier 1 position.

So, find the Tier 1 position that you think your friend would be great at. You can then click this job and find the area where you can refer someone instead of putting in the application yourself.

And that’s all you need to do!

Amazon Refer a Friend Code

The only way to refer a friend to an Amazon position is through Amazon Jobs, as we discussed above. You should always ensure you’re putting accurate information in when referring your friend.

Ensure all information regarding your employment status (IDs, numbers, etc) is accurate as well — as this will help you easily get your bonus in the future!

Does a Friend of a Current Amazon Employee Have Increased Chances of Getting a Job?

Applicants that were referred to by a current Amazon employee could have a better chance of getting a job. It definitely doesn’t hurt to be recommended!

While the applicant will still have to meet all qualifications and pass the interview process, a recommendation from a current employee really does help make the candidate a good choice for hiring managers.

As a result, those who are referred by current Amazon employees could have a much easier time getting a job at Amazon!

What Happens if the Friend You Referred to Amazon Quits?

If the person you referred to Amazon has quit, this won’t in any way impact you. After all, they may have just been a bad fit. That’s okay. Obviously, it’s always helpful if they leave the company on good terms, as you don’t want anything negative to come back to you.

If your friend quits before they hit 60-90 days of employment, this, unfortunately, means that you will not receive any type of bonus. However, if they quit after this timeframe, you will still get a bonus — and you don’t need to worry about Amazon trying to take this bonus away!

In this regard, this is the only thing that may affect you if your friend quits their job. Now, if your friend is fired from Amazon, this isn’t a great look — though, again, it won’t necessarily hurt your own employment!


You can refer a friend to a job at Amazon — and receive a $125 bonus as a result. Your newly hired friend just needs to stay employed with Amazon for at least 60-90 days for you to fully receive this bonus! If they quit beforehand, you won’t get any bonus.